Guinot Featured Image

Skincare products carried in over 70 countries worldwide

GUINOT is known the world over as an industry leader who has consistently led the charge in skincare, from game-changing technology and techniques, to maintaining the most stringently high standards in the development and manufacturing of their products. Guinot is an eco-responsible company, and strives to respect the environment in its methods of formulation, production, but also in its choice of assets and packaging.

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Contact Supplier

For more information about this brand and its products. Feel free to contact our management and/or sales representatives with the details provided below.

Management Team

Shannon Joubert

GUINOT Marketing Manager

Lelani Mentz

GUINOT Educator

Kerri Lichter

Sales Manager

Sales Area Representatives

Letesha Balgobind

Sales Representative

Representative for the following areas: KZN.


Kimberley Berry

Sales Representative

Representative for the following areas: Cape Town.


Stephanie Holt

Sales Representative

Representative for the following areas: Gauteng.
