Skincare products carried in over 70 countries worldwide
GUINOT is known the world over as an industry leader who has consistently led the charge in skincare, from game-changing technology and techniques, to maintaining the most stringently high standards in the development and manufacturing of their products. Guinot is an eco-responsible company, and strives to respect the environment in its methods of formulation, production, but also in its choice of assets and packaging.
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Contact Supplier
For more information about this brand and its products. Feel free to contact our management and/or sales representatives with the details provided below.
Management Team
Sales Area Representatives
Letesha Balgobind
Sales Representative
Representative for the following areas: KZN.
Email: letesha@twincare.co.za
Kimberley Berry
Sales Representative
Representative for the following areas: Cape Town.
Email: kimberleyb@twincare.co.za
Stephanie Holt
Sales Representative
Representative for the following areas: Gauteng.
Email: stephanieh@twincare.co.za